Practicum/Intern Application

Internship applications are closed for the time being.
Please check back and we will post openings as we have them available!

If you are an intern in your final year of your master's program, or a practicum student who wants to continue your internship at whole Connection, please apply here:

  • Application processes can be fast, so we encourage you to apply 3+ months in advance.

    We accept applications for start dates throughout the year which can include, but not limited to January, March, May, and August/September.

    For May and August/September, we suggest applying 5-9 months in advance.

    For the May and August/September Start date we encourage people to apply January. Of course every school is different so please reach out and apply and let us know if you have a different start date.

  • We provide nine months, year long, and longer (practicum through internship) placements. It depends on our need and the students need. The shorter the time here usually the higher weekly clinical case load.

  • Once we have reviewed applications we will invite people for in depth interviews (either Video or in person), which are generally followed up with a interview/Q&A from current trainees

    Then Reference checks if needed as well as an offer to talk with a current intern or practicum student to learn more about our program. This part would be for the student’s benefit to learn and not an additional interview.

    Lastly the leadership team will do their final reviews and follow up with in the week.