Community Support

We collaborate with local organizations to provide critical support as events happen in our local communities. We support our clients and community at large through Our Services, Community Partnerships, Weekly Support Groups and Free Community Resources.

Collaborations and Community Response

Whole Connection has the privilege of serving Boulder, Denver, Jefferson, and Broomfield communities. Over the years we have worked in tandem with local organizations such as:

Boulder County Health
Boulder County Justice Center
City of Boulder
Boulder Fire Department
Umbrella Collective
Queer Asterisk
Naropa Community

If you are a local organization and would like to join us in partnership, reach out to our team. We would love to collaborate!

Weekly Support Groups
We currently offer weekly Support Groups to our Whole Connection Clients

Community Resources

Free Resources

Community Newsletter

Past Community Response/Support Groups:

  • Throughout the global pandemic, we provided support groups for those impacted by COVID-19. Groups provided tools and space for processing current situations and were facilitated by Laia, Ingrid, and Philip.

    Below are some of the facilitators that were present:

    Phillip Horner LCSW CGP - Founder & Co-Director at Whole Connection

    Laia Joba LPC - Co-Director at Whole Connection

    Ingrid Avison LSW - Group Fellow and Therapist at Whole Connection

  • After the Boulder Shooting we co-hosted a support group with Naropa Community Counseling Center for six weeks. It was a 90 minute Support Group for all that were impacted by the Table Mesa King Soopers Shooting. All the sub-groups were smaller than 10 people to make sure that everyone had space to talk.

    Below are some of the facilitators that were present:

    Phillip Horner LCSW CGP - Founder & Co-Director at Whole Connection

    Laia Joba LPC - Co-Director at Whole Connection

    Joy Redstone LCSW - Clinical Director at Naropa Community Counseling Center

    Li Brookens LCSW CGP - Founder & Director at Umbrella Collective

    Ingrid Avison LSW - Group Fellow and Therapist at Whole Connection

    Craig Haen Ph.D CGP FAGPA - Psychotherapist in New York

    Suzanne Phillips PsyD CGP, FAGPA - Psychotherapist in New York

    Amy Nitza Ph.D LMHC - Institute Director for Disaster Mental Health at SUNY New Patlz

    Kekuni Minton Ph.D - Psychotherapist in Boulder

    Karen Bustamante PsyD - Psychotherapist in Denver

    Nancy Scherlong LCSW - Psychotherapist in NY/CT & from Colorado

    Amber Gray Ph.D LPC - Psychotherapist

    Kathy Ulman PhD CGP DFAGPA - Director of the Center for Group Psychotherapy at Massachusetts Hospital

    Madelyn Miller PhD LCSW CGP - Psychotherapist in NYC

    Bob Klein PhD CGP - Psychotherapist in Private Practice and Faculty at Yale School of Medicine

    Heidi Landis LCAT - Creative Arts Therapist in NYC