

For more info or questions, visit the Alateen


Alateen Support

Alateen, a part of the Al-Anon Family Groups, is a fellowship of young people (mostly teenagers) whose lives have been affected by someone else’s drinking whether they are in your life drinking or not. By attending Alateen, teenagers meet other teenagers with similar situations. Alateen is not a religious program and there are no fees or dues to belong to it.

  • The Teen Corner is a place just for teens affected by someone else’s alcoholism. Members come together to:

    • share experiences, strength, and hope with each other to find effective ways to cope with problems.

    • discuss difficulties and encourage one another

    • help each other understand the principles of the Al-Anon program through the use of the Twelve Steps and Alateen’s Twelve Traditions

  • According to Al-Anon, Alcoholism is a Disease of Compulsive and Uncontrolled Drinking.

    Alcoholism is widely recognized as a disease of compulsive drinking, which can be arrested, but not cured. It is a progressive illness, which will only get worse as long as the person continues to drink. Total abstinence from drinking is the only way to arrest this disease.

    Alcoholism affects the entire family; everyone who has contact with the alcoholic is affected. The only person who can stop the alcoholic from drinking is the alcoholic themself.

  • Each Alateen Group has one or two Alateen Group Sponsors. These are adult members of Al‑Anon who have been through a certification process. They provide safety and guidance in the meeting and help the Alateens keep the meeting focused on the Al-Anon/Alateen program of recovery. An Alateen Group Sponsor doesn’t play the role of a teacher or assume a parental role. They honor Alateen members’ anonymity. For the safety of all involved, Alateen groups cannot meet without certified Alateen Group Sponsors present. When Alateen Group Sponsors are not available, Alateens are welcome in Al-Anon meetings.

Could Alateen be helpful to me?

This Self-assessment quiz is designed to help you decide whether Alateen might be able to help.

Are there Alateen meetings near me?

Enter your location on the following page to find an Alateen meeting near you.