Highlight of the Week: Colorado Pet Pantry


This week we wanted to take a moment and highlight a resource for our furry four legged friends. 

A brief history: 

The Colorado Pet Pantry pet food bank tested the waters in 2013 with a bi-monthly pet food bank at one “human” food bank partner. Once we established that the interest and need were significant, we quickly ramped up to four monthly pet food banks in 2014. During 2015 and 2016, the pet food bank held 5 monthly pet food banks in the Denver/Boulder-metro areas, serving each neighborhood once per month with the goal of ensuring that all families in a neighborhood have the resources to consistently feed their pets, keeping them out of shelters.

Now, in 2023, CPP is the largest organization of its kind in the US, distributing pet food at 103 monthly pet food banks in 31 Colorado counties and assisting over 100 animal rescues with food and supplies throughout Colorado.

How it works: 

There are three ways the Colorado Pet Pantry distributes food:

1. Open-to-the-Public pet food banks. Clients are eligible to get food every two months and we give one month’s worth of food (50% of needs). Learn more HERE or see upcoming calendar HERE.

2. Emergency pet food. If you need help with pet food before the next “open to the public” pet food bank, please fill out this form. We work with area partners to make this program possible.

3. Mini pet food banks. We partner with organizations that support low-income families to help with their clients’ dog and cat food needs. There is no guarantee that these locations will have pet food at any given time though (since they could run out), so if you need pet food, please come to a monthly pet food bank (#1 above).

Colorado Pet Pantry


Phillip Horner